Monday, January 23, 2012

American banks caused the worldwide financial crisis we are experiencing , why can't you own up to it ?

American banks caused worldwide prosperity.

How else could banks around the world be threatened?

Now we have Harry Reid saying he didn't know what to do, and we have Nancy Pelosi saying that it's all Bush's fault.

Who do you want in a time of crisis? Someone who works, or someone who blames and does nothing?American banks caused the worldwide financial crisis we are experiencing , why can't you own up to it ?
What are your sources?
They are certainly a big part of it, but there is a lot of blame to go around.

Americans and American institutions, from top to bottom, need to stop borrowing so much and pay their bills. We need some balanced state and federal budgets for a change. American banks caused the worldwide financial crisis we are experiencing , why can't you own up to it ?
China's increased demand for oil has caused my gas bill to now we have to deal with it. You want to be part of the global economy? Deal with the global issues.

Nobody said the rest of the world had to invest in American business and American banks...they reap the rewards when we do well so they can share in the pain when we don't. Tough luck. If they don't like it then stop buying American products, stop investing in America and stop looking to America's military for protection.
You think they care what happens in the rest of the world???American banks caused the worldwide financial crisis we are experiencing , why can't you own up to it ?
It's a lifestyle/cultural thing. A lot of Americas live on credit, including the big banks and banking system. It doesn't work for us and it doesn't work for them. The rest of the world is having an easier time because they are not as into the borrow and spend lifestyle yet, as we are. The bubble is smaller elsewhere.
Just goes to show you how "the rest of the world" is basically subsidized by the US economy!! We go down they go down. But if they go down we don't , it hurts but we don't go down.

All the socialist systems around the world make money off of our "more" capitalistic system. And if they didn't and tried to just be socialist they would have failed long ago

I guess you completely agree Greenspan's move back in 2001 who helped engineered this fiasco by artificially setting the interest to a historical low level for a prolonged time. This helped triggered reckless behavior by signaling people and banks to assume more risk than they should have.

I guess that you also agree that Fannie May should have special government privileges, such as access to $2.25 billion in Treasury Reserves, which again helped create reckless behavior.

Your inability to examine the government's role in this catastrophe is alarming.

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