Monday, January 30, 2012

If Barrack were to raise tax's on Corporations, should he also on Hollywood Actors, and actresses?

If Barrack were to get elected, he has said he would raise tax's on big corporations, should he also then also raise tax's on Hollywood Actors, and actresses. They do make some of the richest salaries in this country, if we make corporations pay there fair share, why shouldn't Hollywood? Also, how do you think Hollywood would react to that being done?If Barrack were to raise tax's on Corporations, should he also on Hollywood Actors, and actresses?He has said he would raise taxes on any income over $250,000 and Hollywood's actors/actresses would certainly qualify. I am sure they won't be happy about it. Most of them want the government to take care of everything from health care to housing, but they'd rather the government did it with your money, not theirs.

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