Thursday, January 26, 2012


Please, please help me on this... i would really appreciate it.

I would like to know what year did all the financial crisis began. I am not talking about the effects that have been reflected in 2008, but i wanna know the root of the crisis

please, help me, i have an essay on this subject to write in 3 days :-(WHEN DID THE FINANCIAL CRISIS START?
When Bush became our president
The notion that there is a "financial crisis" is largely a media construct. Not to say that there are not many, many people suffering from the consequences of their decisions to borrow more than they could afford, and the greed of lending institutions willing to lend more than the knew people could afford, but that does not constitute a "crisis"... The roots of the current 'noise' are probably in Asia in the 1990s...WHEN DID THE FINANCIAL CRISIS START?
Use google to do some research.

Look up 'reverse redlining'. I don't know when it started but it was a key factor in creating the housing boom which led to the housing bust and all the foreclosures of sub prime mortgages.
America's financial problems began in 1776.WHEN DID THE FINANCIAL CRISIS START?
When banks and other financial institutions started lending money at sub prime rates to not so credit worthy people.
long long long time ago
when i got married

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