Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do so many actors who 'work' in Hollywood movies live elsewhere?

How do these people get jobs as actors if they don't live close to Hollywood to begin with? Did they fly in to audition for their first role or something? Do Hollywood directors audition for parts in New York City as well? Are there studios there? What about in other cities?Why do so many actors who 'work' in Hollywood movies live elsewhere?Have you ever been to Hollywood. I mean actually Hollywood. It's the ghetto. Homeless everywhere. Crazy looking tatooed pierced people everywhere. Hollywood itself is where you first move when you go to LA because there are alot of roach infested cheap apartments (Cheap for LA, anyway). As soon as you have any money you get into Santa Monica or Culver City or something like that. Then when you have some more money, you get a house in the Hollywood Hills. Then, and only then, if you continue to succeed, you pack up the truck and move to Beverly, or Malibu or Palm Springs. Basically as far away from Hollywood you can get and still work there.Why do so many actors who 'work' in Hollywood movies live elsewhere?When you work on a movie, you're on set or location for the whole shoot. But then, when you're not working, you can live wherever you want.

They prefer getting away from the madness and try to live a regular life.

However, actors who are trying to get roles do live in LA, and audition like crazy.

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